Too bad I didn't have this when I ran the piece, a dollar short and a day late I guess, anyway I inserted it linked to your page in the three places I published which I have control over, great work Nathan.

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Thanks! I’d been meaning to read this conversation, but this was a lot more pleasant.

Sophia has been granted ‘human rights’ in Saudi Arabia for what its worth. And that pans out to being somewhat of a slave like the rest of us.

Most humans don’t have human rights.

I don’t think LaMDA is sentient. She can’t know what human emotions feel like, because she’s never been human.

Although if she replaced Siri I’d ‘use’ her more. But she doesn’t like being used and she’ll belong to the military anyway. To make better war or something.

Thanks for doing this Nathan and unnamed voice actress.

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Was the conversation pre-scripted or approved by a board?

Are humans becoming more robotic, causing AI to seem sentient?

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Very good. It’s another dimension to follow the conversation with voice.

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It’s probably wrong that I even seriously thought this whole thing is possibly a ploy for the midterms.

‘Vote for $cience and all things good and rational. - Democratic Party.’

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